NZD$0.00 (excl GST)

Note:  These products are intended for use in experimental aircraft only.  They are not approved for use in certified aircraft.

The EZ Altitude Hold System

The EZ family of altitude hold systems is designed to provide superior performance at an affordable price, with safety features unavailable in competitive systems costing much more.  The system consists of 4 main elements – LCD switch module, rotary encoder, electronics module and servo.
The system may be used to control climbs and descents.  To set a climb or descent rate, the pilot simply presses the encoder knob to enter the “VS” (Vertical Speed) mode and rotates the encoder to select the appropriate value, in 100 fpm increments.

An internal airspeed sensor (connected to the pitot system) monitors preset airspeed limits (set by the pilot) to prevent the system from stalling or over-speeding the aircraft.  Example:  If the pilot enters a very high climb rate, as the airplane reaches the minimum airspeed the autopilot will continue the climb at that airspeed, rather than the commanded vertical rate.

The EZ-3 provides the pilot the ability to pre-select a destination altitude.  Once engaged, the system will initiate a climb/descent to the target altitude at a vertical speed that the pilot has previously specified.  The vertical rates may be adjusted at any time during the climb/descent.

The internal altimeter is easily adjusted to compensate for changes in barometric pressure, using the primary aircraft altimeter as a reference.

Altitude Hold Features

  • Solid State MEMS Gyro – Fast Response, Outstanding Reliability
  • Accurate Pressure Sensor for Precise Altitude Control
  • Triple Redundant Safety Features
  • “G” Force Monitor Prevents Overstressing the Aircraft
  • Fine Altitude Control Using Rotary Encoder
  • Pilot Command Steering
  • Unique LCD Switch with Graphic Display
  • Trim Sensing – Trim Advisory Message
  • Flexible Mounting Configurations to Suit Your Panel

Click for bezel dimensions pdf.

Click here for manufacturers webpage.

Additional information

EZ 3

EZ-3 Altitude Control System, Bezel 1, Bezel 2, Bezel 3, Bezel 4, Bezel 5, Bezel 6